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It's official. Acquisition season in the children's social networking world has begun. Moments ago, Disney acquired the wildly successful children's social networking site Club Penguin for $350 million dollars. launched its unique online service for children in October 2005, just six months after another wildly successful social networking website for children 033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1714786035, . This past June, Club Penguin reached 4. 7 million unique visitors to it site according to . 033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1714786035
while the folks at club penguin have recently been in discussion with sony regarding the [033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1714786035] sale of the company, negotiations broke down just a few short weeks ago with the technology giant.
There has been a buzz of activity related to social networking in the last year and we've yet to hear the end of it. What's noteworthy about this particular deal? Here are a few of my predictions:

  • This is the first major acquisition in the children's social networking space. Plan to see similar acquisitions soon.
  • Many more social networking site for kids have launched in the last two months, with many more yet to be announced.
  • So much activity is occurring in the kids' social networking environment, that this specific online activity for children is positioned to become very 033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1714786035 crowded over the next six months.
Stay tuned for lots more activity and news in this space! (For related blog articles, see my posts in and of 2007. )

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