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Most people use TiVo to record their favorite televisions shows. Currently I'm using it to watch commercials. For the last eight weeks I've 033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1715209666 been channel surfing to find for one thing. . . technology toys commercials. It's pretty amazing what you can learn about this year's crop of holiday toys by watching TV commercials that air on a Saturday morning. This is not to say [033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1715209666] that everything I see on air wasn't announced many months earlier. I've seen a number of these same toy products announced at this year's NY Toy Fair, the countries largest toy conference held ten months earlier. I'm organizing my notes to write a longer article on technology toys for sale this holiday season. All kinds of interesting things are coming up by watching, like USB connect toys, digital cameras 033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1715209666, experiences that are driven by a screen, be it a computer or a toy's screen, virtual world tie-ins, and much more. I'm also noting many interesting trends related to video game advertisements. Almost as interesting is what is not promoted on air. 033bc19607000692aaa18c546d64f726.js?ver=1715209666 i welcome you to view the video clip below that includes a small sample of commercials that aired before the election. (Some toy companies held back on airing their advertisements until after the election. ) Please fire away any questions you're curious about. Where do you think the future of toy technology is headed? What do you notice? Thanks for watching!

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