The products we create for our clients are not only enjoyed by their intended audience, but are also noted by industry experts for their outstanding creative and technical achievement.
360KID client projects have won or been nominated for over 50 different industry awards in our history. We look forward to helping your company win some awards, and make some noise too.
SIIA CODIE Award Winner - Best Education Game/Virtual World for SmartyAnts, an online reading program for preschoolers, learning game development by 360KID for SmartyAnts, 2012.
SIIA CODIE Award Finalist - Best Reading/English Instructional Solution for SmartyAnts, an online reading program for preschoolers, learning game development by 360KID for SmartyAnts, 2012.
Editor's Choice Award from Children's Technology Review for the iOS preschool app Kero, developed by 360KID, 2009.
BESSIE Award Winner (Best Educational Software Award) from ComputED Gazette in the category of Middle School Math Intervention Website for CompassLearning's Odyssey Math 5-6, developed by 360KID, 2009.
BESSIE Award Winner (Best Educational Software Award) from ComputED Gazette in the category of High School Remedial Multi-Subject Website for CompassLearning's Odyssey Math 5-6, developed by 360KID, 2009.
EMMY Award Winner from the Academy of Arts & Sciences - New Approaches (using new media to reach viewers) for the website which 360KID was a multiple learning game content contributor to this website, 2009.
Technology & Learning Award of Excellence for Aha!Science Whiteboard Edition, 2009.
SIIA CODIE Award Winner - Best Instructional Solution for Students at Home for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2008.
SIIA CODIE Award Finalist - Best K12 Instructional Solution for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2008.
iParenting Media - Greatest Products Award for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Wall-E, developed by 360KID, 2008.
Parents Choice Approved Award, Parent's Choice Foundation for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Wall-E, developed by 360KID, 2008.
National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Wall-E, developed by 360KID, 2008.
iParenting Media - Outstanding Website Product Award for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
iParenting Media - Outstanding Products Award for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Creature Create, developed by 360KID, 2007.
National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Creature Create, developed by 360KID, 2007.
National Parenting Publications Honors Award for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Creature Create, developed by 360KID, 2007.
iParenting Media - Outstanding Products Award for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Ratatouille, developed by 360KID, 2007.
Parents' Choice Small Screen Award, Parent's Choice Foundation for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Creature Create, developed by 360KID, 2007.
Parents' Choice Small Screen Award, Parent's Choice Foundation for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Ratatouille, developed by 360KID, 2007.
BESSIE Award (Best Educational Software Award) from ComputED Gazette in the category of Multi-Subject Website for Upper Elementary for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
- Computers for Youth Family Learning Software Award Finalist for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
- District Administration's Top 100 Products of 2007 for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
EDDIE Award for the Best Upper Elementary Multi-subject Website from the ComputED Learning Center's 12th Annual Education Software Review Awards. Awarded for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
14th Annual Teachers' Choice Award for the Classroom by Learning Magazine for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
AEP Distinguished Achievement Award Winner, Best K5 Science Instruction Product for the Pokémon Learning League, a web-based series of standards-driven, interactive, and animated lessons for children in grades three through six, developed by 360KID for Pokémon, 2007.
National Parenting Publications Honors Award for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title The Backyardigans, developed by 360KID, 2006.
National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title Ratatouille, developed by 360KID, 2006.
Parents' Choice Small Screen Award, Parent's Choice Foundation for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title The Backyardigans, developed by 360KID, 2006.
Editor's Choice Award from Children's Technology Review for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title The Backyardigans, developed by 360KID, 2006.
National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval for the LeapFrog Leapster handheld learning game title The Backyardigans, developed by 360KID, 2006.
EMMY Nomination from the Academy of Arts & Sciences - Outstanding Achievement for an Interactive Television Service for the Sesame Workshop/ICTV/Time Warner/360KID development effort on the "Sesame Street Games Channel", an interactive television channel offered on the Time Warner cable system, 2005.
SIIA CODIE Award Finalist - Best Secondary Education Instructional Solution for the collection of science simulations for Discovery Channel School's 42 CD-ROM Life, Earth, and Physical Science series for middle and high school students, developed by 360KID, 2005.
Digital Hollywood - OnDemandies Finalist - Best Interactive TV Special or Service for the Sesame Workshop/ICTV/Time Warner/360KID development effort on the "Sesame Street Play and Learn Channel", an interactive television channel offered on the Time Warner cable system, 2004.
EMMY Nomination from the Academy of Arts & Sciences - Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Media Technology for the Creation of Video Games for the Sesame Workshop/ICTV/Time Warner/360KID development effort on the "Sesame Street Play and Learn Channel", an interactive television channel offered on the Time Warner cable system, 2004.
EMMY Finalist from the Academy of Arts & Sciences - Outstanding Achievement in Interactive Television for the Sesame Workshop/ICTV/Time Warner/360KID development effort on the "Sesame Street Play and Learn Channel", an interactive television channel offered on the Time Warner cable system, 2004.
MITX Nomination - Best Educational Product for the collection of science simulations for Discovery Channel School's 42 CD-ROM Life, Earth, and Physical Science series for middle and high school students, 2004.
Technology & Learning Award of Excellence for the collection of science simulations for Discovery Channel School's 42 CD-ROM Life, Earth, and Physical Science series for middle and high school students, 2004.
ACM/sigKIDS Award - Best Children's Commercial Product for Simon Sounds It Out phonics-based reading product for Don Johnston, Inc., 2003.
MITX Nomination - Best Children's Product for the Sesame Workshop online learning Game title Zoe's Dance Moves developed by 360KID, 2003.
MITX Winner - Best Children's Product for the Sesame Workshop/Encore Software/360KID CD-ROM title Monster Clubhouse, 2002.
MITX Nomination - Best Children's Product for the Sesame Workshop/Sesame Street online learning games title called Elmo's World, 2002.
MIMC Nomination - Best Educational Product for the PBS/Sesame Workshop/Big Blue Dot/360KID website and suite of learning games to support the Dragon Tales television show, 2000.
MIMC Nomination - Best Children's Product for The American Girl Ameliarizer developed for The Pleasant Company by Big Blue Dot and 360KID, 2000.
CODIE Nomination, Best Debut of the Year, for 360KID participation in the development of the writing CD-ROM title called The Writing Trek by EDVantage Software,1999.
- Editor's Choice Award from Children's Technology Review for the EDVantage CD-ROM learning title The Writing Trek with contributions by 360KID, 1999.
EDDIE Award for the Best Middle School Language Arts Software Program from the ComputED Learning Center's 4th Annual Education Software Review Awards. Awarded for The Writing Trek by EDVantage with contributions by 360KID, 1999.
MIMC Nomination - Best Educational Product for Middle Grades Math CD-ROMs grades six through eight, developed by 360KID for Prentice Hall, 1998.
Gold CINDY Award for Best Interactive CD title: Finance (For the Rest of Us) produced by MicroMentor/ActiveImage/360KID for Apple Computer, 1998.
- HOW Magazine Merit Award for Best Self-Promotion Interactive CD-ROM title The Winning Proposal, 1997.
MIMC Award for Best Interactive Advertisement in Sales and Marketing, The Winning Proposal, 1996.
- HOW Magazine Merit Award for Best Self-Promotion Interactive Marketing piece: Lindesign Portfolio, 1994.